6 Easy Tips for Traveling on a Budget

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How cute is this “adventure awaits” long sleeve!?  Head over to United Tees to check out the cutest preppy clothing, and use my code tessa_15 for 15% off of your purchase!!

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Happy Wednesday everyone, I hope you’ve had a lovely week so far!!

With only two weeks of classes left, the travel bug has definitely hit (unfortunately not quite as hard as the procrastination bug) and my planners are already full of ideas for adventures this summer!  Being a college student, my endless desire to discover the world is a bit greater than the amount in my bank account, but I’ve definitely discovered some tips and tricks to traveling on a budget!

1. Book it Early

Whether this be a flight, a hotel, a cruise, or anything in between, book it as early as possible!  There are constant deals and savings going on for “early birds”, so make sure to look into prices on various travel sites to get the best possible deal!  Doug and I saved 40% of the total cost of our cruise package last month because we booked it early enough, which helped us with our other expenses!  As soon as the details are finalized, start hunting for those discounts!!

2. Create a Budget

Budgeting my money is something my parents encouraged me to do from an early age, and it’s been one of the most helpful things when it comes to managing money!  I like to add up all of my expenses for each month, subtract that from my monthly income, and then set aside a portion of the money that is left over!  I’ll admit, I am definitely not the best at saving my money (you all know how much I preach “treating yourself”), but it’s a goal of mine to get in the habit!  Since I’m saving for a trip, maybe getting takeout sushi, macarons, and endless lattes can wait (at least until next month)! 😉

3. Sell Unneeded Belongings

This has been a life saver when it comes to saving money for me!  As part of my spring cleaning ritual, I cleared out my closet of any unneeded clothing items, shoes, handbags, etc. and I decided to sell some of my unworn/gently worn items!  Not only was I able to pass along pieces of clothing to someone who loves it, but I also made a little bit of extra money in the process while decluttering!  *Tip; when it comes to clearing out belongings, ask yourself if the item brings you joy.  Also ask yourself, when is the last time I wore this item?  If it’s been longer than 3-6 months (with the exception of seasonal items), sell it or donate it to someone who will love it!

4. Pack a Carry-On

If you’re flying to a destination, make sure to pack a carry-on bag!   Pack all of your belongings for your trip into a carry-on, that way you won’t have to pay extra to check a bag and lug around a heavy, bulky suitcase!  One of my biggest tips for packing everything into a carry-on bag is to use packing cubes, which I discovered by reading Ally’s Packing Tips for Europe post on A Touch of Tulle!  If fitting everything in a carry-on doesn’t work you for (I’ve been there!) make sure to pack your essentials in a bag that you can have with you on the plane that way you’re prepared for any situation.  Also, look into flights and airlines that will check your first bag for free!

5. Choose a Hotel Alternative

Staying in a hotel can be pricey, so I definitely recommend looking into an Airbnb if one is offered at your destination!  Airbnb’s tend to be cheaper than hotel rooms (especially if you are traveling in a group), and they allow for an authentic experience in the local culture!  The best part is, a lot of Airbnb’s come with wifi since they are people’s homes, which you would most likely have to pay for in a hotel!  While I’m all for a digital detox, it’s still important to keep in touch while traveling!

6. Travel Off-Peak

The “peak” traveling times are during the Holiday season (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Memorial Day, Labor Day weekend, etc.), spring break (early March for college students, and early/mid April for grade school), and during the summer months.  Avoiding travel during the “peak” will not only save you quite a lot of money, but it will also reduce wait times, lines, and crowds when you arrive at your destination!  Check out this USA Today article for more information about the best (and cheapest!) time to travel throughout the year!

What are some of your recommendations for traveling on a budget, and where is your top destination that you’re traveling to?!  Also, how adorable is this “adventure awaits” long sleeve from United Tees?!  I was chosen to be a Brand Ambassador, and I was given an incredible discount code to share with all of you!! Use my code tessa_15 for 15% off of your purchase, and definitely check out the site because they have the cutest preppy clothing for both men and women!  Adventure truly does await for me this year, and I am so excited to share the moments with you!

Love & Good Vibes


Today’s Inspiration

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    • Tessa
      April 5, 2017 / 1:31 pm

      Thank you so much Laura!!
      xo, Tessa

  1. April 5, 2017 / 1:48 pm

    These are great tips! I think creating a budget is so important too… I can always go so overboard on vacations!

    Stacie LaMothe

    • Tessa
      April 5, 2017 / 2:42 pm

      Thank you so much, I completely agree!! Happy Wednesday!
      xo, Tessa

  2. April 5, 2017 / 2:20 pm

    Loving all these tips! Having a budget is so important and not something that everyone can stick too! So finding the perfect balance for you is key:)

    xoxo, Hannah

    • Tessa
      April 5, 2017 / 2:44 pm

      Thank you so much Hannah, I completely agree!! I’ll admit I’m not the best at sticking to a budget, but it’s been goal of mine for 2017!! Happy Wednesday!
      xo, Tessa

  3. April 5, 2017 / 4:15 pm

    These are awesome tips! I always try to sell a few clothes or bags before a major trip and use the cash as my ‘fun money’ to buy stuff at our destination! AirBNB’s are such a great alternative to hotels, too.


    • Tessa
      April 5, 2017 / 4:31 pm

      Thank you so much Kristin!! I completely agree, and I love the “fun money” idea!! Happy Wednesday! <3
      xo, Tessa

  4. April 5, 2017 / 6:28 pm

    Such great tips laid out perfectly!! I know to do these things, but it’s great to have these in a checklist form. It would’ve been so helpful when I first decided I wanted to start traveling everywhere! Love this post.


    • Tessa
      April 5, 2017 / 6:30 pm

      Thank you so much Margaret, I really appreciate it!! I’m so glad you found it helpful!! Happy Wednesday! <3
      xo, Tessa