Coffee Date no.10; February Book Club Announcement + Blog Updates

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Happy snowy Friday everyone! I hope you had a great week, and are excited for the weekend (I know I am)!  

Since it is officially February, I wanted to start up my weekly Coffee Date posts once again!  These posts are some of my favorites because I love chatting with you and sharing the week’s adventures!  The last post I’ve done in this series is my Coffee Date no.9; Brunch at Brown Butter Creperie & Café, which was last May!  I definitely have a little bit of making up to do!!

During the week I met up with my friend Jenna at one of my favorite cafés, Lyon St Café, and we chatted while enjoying the beautiful sunshine!  I’ve mentioned before how the aesthetic in Lyon St Café is my favorite, and their coffee is PERFECTION! If you’re ever in Grand Rapids and are looking for the perfect location to take some pictures and have an excellent cup of coffee, this café is for you!!

This week was pretty relaxed for the most part, mainly because I caught the dreaded flu that has been making it’s way around.  Thankfully I’m finally starting to feel better, and I think by Monday I’ll be back to 100%!  Besides fighting the flu, this week was filled with planning content and adventures for the upcoming months (and, of course, lots of puppy cuddles)!  I am really excited about what is coming up; I’m talking over THIRTY outfits, daily/weekly vlogs, travel vlogs/posts, new collaborations, and fresh ideas that all of you have been sharing with me!!  Seriously, it’s all going to be SO good!! 

In other news, I’m so excited to announce February’s book club pick!! You all voted on Instagram, and the results were SO close but this month’s book is…

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso!

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Thank you so much to everyone who voted, this book is perfect for a month filled with self-love and girlboss vibes!  I will be doing updates on the book with each Coffee Date post, so definitely stay in touch!! 

I hope you all have a beautiful Friday, and enjoy the weekend!

Love & Good Vibes


Today’s Inspiration

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    • Tessa
      February 2, 2018 / 12:14 pm

      You should totally read it with me this month!! This is my first time reading it! I hope you have a beautiful day!
      xo, Tessa

  1. February 2, 2018 / 11:24 am

    Looks like such a cozy location!

    • Tessa
      February 2, 2018 / 12:15 pm

      It definitely is, it’s one of my favorites!! I hope you have a beautiful day!
      xo, Tessa

  2. February 2, 2018 / 12:11 pm

    I have been wanting to read that book! Also, I love this idea of coffee dates!

    • Tessa
      February 2, 2018 / 12:16 pm

      Thank you so much! You should totally read it with me this month, this is my first time reading it!! I hope you have a beautiful day!
      xo, Tessa