Coffee Date no. 12; Snowy Days at Squibb Coffee & Wine Bar

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Happy Friday everyone!! Today is an extra special Friday because I am officially finished with college YAY!! Yesterday was my very last class, and I don’t have any finals next week, so I am enjoying every moment and preparing for graduation!  These were by far the quickest four years of my life, but I enjoyed every moment!

This week one of my best friends Torie and I met up and had a blogging/coffee date at Squibb Coffee & Wine Bar downtown Grand Rapids!  It was a cozy, snowy day, and we had the best afternoon chatting and collaborating over coffee!  Torie is such a bright, positive, inspiring person and she has a blog coming very soon which is so exciting (trust me, you’re going to want to subscribe)!  Also, if you haven’t already, check out my Coffee Date no.1; Girl’s Day in the City & Eclectic Coffee Bar post! 

In other news: it’s been a bit since I’ve last posted, which is the result of a writers/creativity block that lasted far too long!  I am finally feeling refreshed and inspired, so get ready for all of the posts and vlogs because I have tons to share with you!!  No hints, but I am SO excited to share everything and I cannot wait for you to see!! This is also such an exciting time because Doug and I have been applying for jobs, apartment hunting, and planning out our future so we can finally move in together!  After six years of living apart, we are definitely ready to have our own space together!  I already found tons of amazing decor items, and I will share our entire moving/decorating process on the blog and on my YouTube channel


Here’s to new beginnings, new adventures, and a beautiful, sunny (and warm!) Friday!  Enjoy every moment of today, beautiful friends! Happy weekend!

Love & Good Vibes


Today’s Inspiration

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