Hello, 2018

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Happy Monday everyone! It’s officially the first day of my final semester, and I cannot even believe how fast these last four years have been!  

While reflecting on 2017, as well as these years of college, I noticed a recurring trend from each year to the next; I’ve changed.  Four years ago I never would have believed I would be the person I am today.  These years have taught me so much; how to move on, how to let go, how to love, how to find happiness, and how to be strong through some of the toughest moments. I’ve never been more proud, excited, and in love with the person I’ve become.  Here’s to change; may we embrace it, enjoy it, and love it, even when it seems like the last thing we would ever want or need.

2018… I can already tell it’s going to be one of the best years yet!  This will be the year that everything changes, the year that all of my hard work will finally pay off the moment I’m handed my diploma.  The year that Doug and I finally take our first steps into home buying.  The year that I fall in love with my first career, the year that we adopt a shelter dog, and travel to new places.  Wedding planning, moving, new beginnings and endings, what a beautiful year 2018 will be!

Thank you, 2017, for allowing me to grow into the person that I am today.  For helping me find myself, for being the best year I’ve ever had.  For new friendships, new life experiences, and memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life!  The good vibes have only continued into 2018, and will continue to flow through each and every day!  Like every January, I have a list of resolutions (both big and small) that I strive to accomplish, and this year I want to share a few of those with you.  

Let Go + Embrace What’s to Come

I’m someone who has my life planned out possibly a little too much, where I don’t always accept change with open arms.  I’m someone who over-stresses, over-worries, and is quite emotional about even the littlest things.  2018 will be my year to let go in order to find my best self, and to live my best life!  It’s okay if life doesn’t go as planned; be spontaneous, go with the flow, allow yourself to live in the moment and enjoy!

Health + Wellness

It’s safe to say I definitely let my health and fitness goals slip, especially during the second half of the year (oops)! This year I created one of my favorite workout routines EVER (post coming soon!!), and I’m making healthy habits a priority every single day!  I’m incorporating more whole, fresh foods into my diet, I’m going to try new recipes and experiment with new ingredients, and I’m going to transform my lifestyle into one that I’m ecstatic about!  Get ready for all of the dairy-free and gluten-free recipes, daily workout routines, and a much healthier, happier 2018!

Blogging + YouTube

One of my favorite things of 2017 was starting my YouTube channel, because I have had so much fun showing you more of my life while experimenting with a new creative outlet!  I am going to be weekly vlogging (starting today!) for the entire year, with a few months where I will be daily vlogging like I did in 2017!  Get excited for moving vlogs, interior decorating + shopping, wedding planning, puppy adopting, and new adventures with Doug!  

This year I feel like I found myself through blogging, and I truly loved all of the content I shared throughout the year!  Simply Tess is only going to get better from here, and this year is going to be filled with brand new content!  One thing I’ve been looking into is becoming a full-time blogger (my dream!), so you never know what may happen! For now, I have big goals for ST that I cannot wait to accomplish and share with you!  It’s going to be an amazing year!

While these are the main “categories” for some of my bigger goals, I wanted to share a few more resolutions that I am SO excited about!

Read 1-2 books every month!

Host my first Thanksgiving dinner!

Move in with Doug!

Start wedding planning (10-05-2019)!

Graduate from college (04-28-2018)!

Adopt a shelter pup!

Weekly coffee dates with friends!

Interior decorating + design in our new home!

Weekly vlogging + blogging 3x per week!

Enjoy every moment!

While the list of resolutions/goals goes on and on, these are some of my favorites! Here’s to a beautiful 2017, thank you for the growth, the change, and the memories!

Hello 2018, I’ve been waiting for you!

Love & Good Vibes


Today’s Inspiration

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    • Tessa
      January 8, 2018 / 11:59 am

      Thank you Rebecca, I agree!! I wish you the best year!! <3
      xo, Tessa