Hello 2020; Resolutions & Goals!

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Hello hello everyone, and happy 2020! I can’t believe it’s a new decade, and a brand new year! I’m so excited for a fresh start and a new beginning, because I’m someone who lives off of setting resolutions and making new goals!

I wanted to share my goals & resolutions for 2020 as my first post of the year, in hopes of inspiring myself to stick to them and to prioritize them in my daily life!


  1. Get married!
  2. Buy our home
  3. Spend less money/limit spending
  4. Less waste + be mindful about purchases/packaging
  5. Prioritize friendships/relationships (more girl time)
  6. Keep our space tidy + clean
  7. Gain confidence + fall in love with myself
  8. Develop a healthy morning + night routine
  9. Read one book per month
  10. Limit Starbucks to 1x per week + bring my reusable cup every time
  11. Limit lunch out (1-2x per week)
  12. Take more polaroid photos
  13. Start thrifting
  14. Journal daily + learn calligraphy
  15. Travel whenever possible, big or small trips
  16. Be a successful lead in my career

Health & Wellness

  1. Truly prioritize my health + wellness
  2. Weight under [x] lbs
  3. Go to the gym/training 3-4x per week
  4. Hot yoga 2x per week
  5. Soul Cycle 1-2x per week
  6. Meditate (try for daily)

Social & Brand

  1. 20,000 Instagram followers
  2. Post what makes me happy
  3. Blog post weekly & Instagram post (almost) daily
  4. Start working on [brand]
  5. Podcast – just start it!
  6. Plantstagram (it’s official!) @coffeeteaplants

I hope you’re all having a great 2020 so far, I’m sending you all of the love & positive energy on this beautiful Monday!

Love & Good Vibes


Today’s Inspiration

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  1. Amber Hergenrader
    January 13, 2020 / 10:30 am

    Great goals! You’ve inspired me!

  2. January 13, 2020 / 11:34 pm

    I hope you stay motivated and achieve these goals babe!

  3. January 14, 2020 / 3:43 pm

    Hi Tessa,

    These are great resolutions!

    This year I decided to do Gretchen Reuben’s Happiness Project. This involves choosing a category for each month, such as home, love or work and picking 4 or 5 resolutions for each month. They can be one off tasks or ongoing changes.

    I have also chosen a “word of the year” which will guide me through the year. The word I chose was “mindful”.

    The last thing I chose to do was make a 20 for 2020 list with things I would like to complete within the year. These can be linked to your resolutions or entirely separate.

    I feel like this is a more manageable way and you can change things as you go if somethings not working out. It certainly beats trying to start everything on Jan 1st.

    I’m writing about my journey on my blog if you are interested in reading!

    Good luck on your journey.