My 20th Birthday: 20 Things I’ve Learned!

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Today is such an exciting day, because I’m finally 20 years old!!  It’s also the very first day of my new series, 31 Days of Fall, where I’ll be posting every single day in October!  I’ve learned a lot throughout these 20 years, and I honestly couldn’t feel more blessed and truly overjoyed with the life that I have…

Fall and winter are my favorite seasons, and the fact that my birthday is October 1st makes it even better!  Everything wonderful is happening today, the University of Michigan football game is on, I finally got my hair done (the picture above was PRE hair salon, which I’m sure you can tell!), I get to spend the day with loved ones while eating my favorite meals, and I’ve received an overwhelming amount of love and blessings!  I’m so excited to be heading into my 20s, and I’ve definitely learned a lot throughout all of these years!

  1. Love yourself first!
  2. It’s okay to let go: feelings, friendships, goals… it’s okay!
  3. Be spontaneous, and allow yourself to leave the planners at home!
  4. Best friendships are incredibly special, and can change your life!
  5. Get coffee/macarons/sushi AT LEAST once a week, “treat yo’self”!
  6. Go outside as much as possible, and open your heart to nature!
  7. Hot yoga 2x per week is a necessity!
  8. Cardio isn’t hard, it’s actually pretty fun and the results are great!
  9. Discover the beauty in every single day, even if it’s hard!
  10. Random acts of kindness truly brighten others’ day, as well as your own!
  11. Read every morning and night!
  12. Put your phone away, and enjoy time with friends/family as well as yourself!
  13. Be social, even if you have social anxiety!  It’s definitely worth it!
  14. Take time for yourself, and allow yourself to truly relax!
  15. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who impact your life in the best way!
  16. Love whole-heartedly, and with your entire being!
  17. Call your parents, I do every single day!
  18. Go to bed early, and enjoy the morning!
  19. Count your blessings, believe me you have a ton!
  20. Cherish your life, and yourself!

I’m so thankful for each and every one of you, thank you for your constant love and support!  I’ll talk to you tomorrow with a new post, and I hope your day is filled with lots of love and good vibes!

xo, Tessa

Today’s Inspiration

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