My Morning Routine: 8 Tips For a Perfect Morning

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Happy Monday everyone, I hope you had a wonderful weekend!!  Today is a bright and sunny day, and I cannot even help but count down the days to my upcoming vacations (especially with midterms right around the corner)!  Since today is the beginning of a new week, treat yourself to something special and accomplish those lingering tasks on your to-do list!  “Today is a good day to have a good day”

There’s nothing I love more than mornings, and I’ve seemed to finally figure out my perfect morning routine that makes me the most successful throughout the day!  It’s a little too easy to fall into a slump during this time of the year, so creating your perfect morning routine will make each day a little bit brighter!  I wanted to share my morning routine with all of you, while incorporating 8 of my favorite tips!

Stop Snoozing

I’ll be the first to admit, I am possibly the worst when it comes to snoozing my alarm! I’ve tried everything, including putting my phone on the opposite side of the room, but I can’t seem to break the habit!  If you’re able to, try getting up as soon as your alarm goes off, and avoid snoozing it if you can!  Getting up right away will get your mindset ready for the day, and it will cut down on having to rush (something I do way too much of)!

Get Energized

My favorite way to get energized in the morning is to workout, and it always leaves me feeling excited and positive about the day!  Getting active in the morning will give you more energy throughout the day, and I guarantee you’ll be in a great mood!! I start my mornings with hot yoga, or my dance for fitness and body sculpting classes, and my body always feels strong and detoxified for the rest of the day!  I’m also going to share an updated workout/wellness routine very soon, so make sure you stay in touch for that!

Hydrate & Caffeinate

Starting the morning with ice water and caffeine is a must for me, especially with classes starting at 8:30 am!  Drinking water first thing in the morning will help kickstart your metabolism, and will naturally energize you for the rest of the day!  I also like to drink two cups of oolong tea, which is caffeinated, and then make a cup of coffee in my french press once I finish my breakfast!  

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day, so try to eat something healthy and nutritious!  Eating a healthy breakfast will give you sharper focus and a boost of energy to start the day, and it also reduces “morning crankiness”!  I like to eat fruit in the morning, either in the form of a green smoothie or plain.  I prefer strawberries, grapefruit and bananas, and I usually eat a small cup of dairy free yogurt as well.  That gives me enough energy to power through my workouts, and I’m ready for lunch by the time I get home!


Morning meditation is a must for me, and something I believe every single person should try!  Taking a few moments for yourself is the perfect way to embrace mindfulness, and is my favorite way to feel present and calm.  Since I began meditating, I found myself being much more peaceful and positive every single day!  Meditation is the perfect way to bring your mind, body, and spirit back into alignment, and to truly discover your best self!

Get Inspired & Motivated

My favorite way to get inspired and motivated is planning coffee dates early in the morning with my best friends!  Truly nothing makes me feel more content, and chatting with friends bright and early is when the most creative ideas flow!  I always feel the most inspired and motivated in the morning, so meeting with friends and brainstorming/collaborating ideas is my favorite thing to do!  I also love visiting my favorite coffeehouses on my own in the morning, and being in the environment always leaves me feeling peaceful and inspired!

Plan Out The Day

Take some time in the morning to make a to-do list, and to check over everything that is going on during the day!  This is where having a planner (or three!) comes in handy, because it’s easy to glance through to see what tasks need to be done/what you already have planned for that day!  Check out how I utilize my Erin Condren, Lilly Pulitzer, and Kate Spade planners, and I will have an updated organizational/planning routine coming soon!


Setting aside time to read with my morning cup of coffee is one of my favorite things to do!  Reading something you enjoy will stimulate your mind, and will improve your focus and concentration!  I recommend reading every morning and night if you have the chance, and using that time to have a mini detox from technology!

Mornings can be tough, but creating a morning routine will give you something to look forward to every day!  What are some of your favorite things to do in the morning?  Definitely let me know, and make sure you check out my 9 Ways to Beat The Winter Blues {& Get Out of a Rut} post for a little extra Monday motivation!

Love & Good Vibes


Today’s Inspiration


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  1. February 6, 2017 / 10:55 am

    I love your tips! I try my best to place my phone far away so I don’t hit snooze & have coffee ready to be brewed 🙂 I really am no good until I have my coffee #CoffeeAddict

    -xoxo, Azanique

    • Tessa
      February 6, 2017 / 11:59 am

      I completely agree!! I love that, coffee makes everything better!! Happy Monday!!
      xo, Tessa

  2. February 6, 2017 / 11:04 am

    I love these reminders! I am definitely guilty of hitting snooze multiple times!

    • Tessa
      February 6, 2017 / 12:00 pm

      It’s so hard not to!! Thank you so much, happy Monday!!
      xo, Tessa

  3. Nikki
    February 6, 2017 / 11:47 am

    I love all these tips! I used to be such a morning person but now as I’ve gotten older, that trait has slipped away. Hopefully these tips help me!

    XOXO, Nikki |

    • Tessa
      February 6, 2017 / 12:01 pm

      Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! Happy Monday!! <3
      xo, Tessa

    • Tessa
      February 6, 2017 / 1:48 pm

      Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! You’re so sweet!! Happy Monday!
      xo, Tessa

    • Tessa
      February 6, 2017 / 1:49 pm

      Thank you so much Laura!! Happy Monday!! <3
      xo, Tessa

  4. Joana Castillo
    February 6, 2017 / 1:06 pm

    I love these tips! Coffee is always needed! -Joana

    • Tessa
      February 6, 2017 / 1:49 pm

      Thank you so much, and I agree!! Happy Monday!! <3
      xo, Tessa

  5. February 6, 2017 / 1:48 pm

    Great post! I’m doing some of those things, like motivate myself and meditating!

    • Tessa
      February 6, 2017 / 1:50 pm

      Thank you so much, that’s so good to hear!! Meditation is definitely key!! Happy Monday!
      xo, Tessa