Time For a Change

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Happy Monday everyone, it’s been a while! I just logged on to my blog last night for the first time in a while to find that I haven’t blogged in over a month. This is definitely one of the biggest breaks I’ve taken, and it feels like everything has completely changed (in the best way)!

A quick update: I have a new job! I am responsible for website design, website development, and content creation for GM and GM Global, which is truly a dream come true!  We had last week off for Thanksgiving which was incredible, and we have two weeks off over Christmas until January 2nd to celebrate the Holidays!  We have tons of work from home days, every weekend off, and it seems like we have some sort of office party or fun celebration at least once a week! I love my company so much already which is part of the reason why I finally felt inspired enough to blog again (and to be myself again)! 

Since graduating from college in April, I kept feeling like I was playing catch-up.  I felt like I lost myself a little bit in the process, and I wasn’t taking the time that I needed to focus on self-care or doing things that brought me joy.  I was happy, but I kept feeling like something was missing.  Honestly I learned a valuable lesson that your career can definitely take a toll on you if it isn’t the right place for you, but I also learned the value of perseverance, determination, and strength.  Everything happens for a reason, and the past 7 months post-grad led me to this moment that I had been searching for! 

Surround yourself with those who inspire you, and let go of anything toxic that prevents you from being your happiest self. If you aren’t happy with your job, make connections where you can and apply for anything that peaks your interest!  Make new friends, try new things, step outside of your comfort zone and enjoy everything that life has to offer!  It’s way too easy to get sucked into a rut, and to lose your motivation.  Remember what inspired you in the first place, and use that passion to strive forward!

2018 has been a year of change.  This year has been filled with a lot of loss, a lot of rejection, a lot of highs and lows, but also some of the most beautiful moments.  I am grateful for this life that I’m living, and I feel blessed to have finally found my place in this world!  If you are going through a “low” right now, you are not alone and this will pass.  Keep fighting, keep pushing, and don’t give up until you find what you’re searching for!

It’s time for a CHANGE!  I haven’t felt more like myself in quite some time, and I can whole-heartedly say I absolutely love the person that I’ve become!  I finally feel like “Tessa”, and I am ready to share everything that I’ve been planning!  Sometimes taking a break is necessary in order to find yourself, and it’s okay if the person you were at the beginning of the year isn’t the person that you are now.  That’s the beauty of growth!

With that said, I am changing a few things with Simply Tess. I am no longer going to blog 3x per week (because for the past year I wasn’t doing that anyway lol)! Instead I am going to blog every single Monday, with an Instagram recap/weekly recap post on Friday!  I want my content to focus on healthy living, wellness, recipes, decor/home interior, wedding planning and lifestyle, featuring fashion content on Friday!  I also want to share more candid moments of my life and what I’m doing both on the blog and on my Instagram (@tessa_noelle), and I am ready to start creating content that I am proud of.  This change is going to be the best, and I can’t wait to share every moment with you!

Love & Good Vibes


Today’s Inspiration

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